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Georgia Southwestern graduates first cohort of ASN students since program reestablishment

AMERICUS, GA (July 31, 2024) — Georgia Southwestern State University (GSW) graduated the first cohort of students in the Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) since the program’s revival after a 22-year hiatus, marking a significant milestone in the history of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences.  

The first cohort of 32 students received their pins in a special Pinning Ceremony on July 29, 2024 in the Magnolia Manor Nursing Auditorium on campus. This time-honored tradition, celebrated upon the completion of nursing school, serves as an official welcome into the nursing profession following the successful passing of the NCLEX licensure exam.

The ASN program was reestablished in response to regional industry workforce needs and the critical nationwide nursing shortage, thanks to the financial support from Magnolia Manor and Phoebe Health System and the hard work from GSW administration and nursing faculty.

Teresa Teasley, D.N.P., interim dean of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, opened the program by thanking everyone who was instrumental in bringing the ASN program back to GSW, recognizing the students’ hard work and dedication, and acknowledging the unwavering support from nursing faculty and staff, family, and friends.

Teasley stated, “In 15 months, these students have completed 270 hours in the classroom, 164 hours in skills lab, 120 hours in patient simulation, 526 hours of supervised direct patient care hours, and countless hours studying. For many of you, this was in addition to working and raising a family.”

Jill Drake, Ph.D., provost and vice president for Academic Affairs, also praised the graduates. “The nursing profession is one of great importance and responsibility, and our graduates have dedicated themselves to caring for others, often in their most vulnerable moments. We are proud of their accomplishments, and we know that they will go on to make significant contributions to the healthcare field.”

President Michelle Johnston, Ph.D., then spoke in her first official ceremony as President and quoted the famous Maya Angelou, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you make them feel.” She went on to say, “This program…has developed in you the right words to say, the right things to do…but most importantly, you know how to make a deep and lasting difference in the lives of your patients because of the way you will make them feel.”

Student awards were presented before the official pinning, with Lauren Sanders of Americus receiving the Sigma Theta Tau Outstanding Academic Award, Jarrod Wall of Americus receiving the Alpha Delta Nu Iota Iota Leadership Award, and Chris Hawkins of Americus receiving the Phoebe Clinical Excellence Award.

Many of the graduates have taken positions at local and regional facilities, while some are still conducting interviews. They are also eligible to apply to GSW’s #1 ranked RN-BSN program.

The second cohort of 65 students began ASN classes in May 2024, and is expected to graduate in August 2025.

The full ASN Pinning Ceremony can be found on GSW’s YouTube, and pictures from the event can be found on GSW’s Facebook.

Visit to learn more about GSW’s ASN degree and other nursing programs.