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Online learning and spring 2020 campus resources

As students make the transition to online learning on Monday, March 30 for the remainder of the semester, you may be facing new challenges, such as changes to your daily routine or working in a new environment with new distractions. Please know that GSW’s faculty, staff and administration are working diligently to ensure your success and develop resources to help you navigate this "new normal."

Online Learning

The Student Guide to Transitioning to a Remote Online Learning Environment, available under "Student Resources" at, includes great tips on developing a daily routine, managing your time, and staying engaged in the online environment. We hope this information will help ease any nervousness about this transition and provide some answers to your questions.

We will provide tips, tricks, Q&As, and feature seasoned online students showing best practices on Instagram so be sure to follow us at @georgiasouthwestern.

Computer Labs

If you do not have access to a personal computer or reliable internet access, a number of computer labs on campus will remain open for GSW student use. These buildings will remain unlocked and there will be random checks of labs for usage and to ensure social distancing is taking place. Custodial staff will be completing checks and disinfecting on a regular basis throughout the day.

Open Computer Labs

  • Storm Dome, Room 3413 (FYE lab)
  • Carter I, Room 107
  • Business, History & Political Science Building, Room 310
  • Education Center, Rooms 234 & 235
Campus Resources

The majority of GSW's campus resources are also still available in some format, including on-campus computer access, and on-line tutoring and writing consultations, which we encourage you to utilize. Visit for a full list of office hours and on-campus and virtual resources.


Should you need any accommodations or considerations, please contact the Office of Disability Services at (229) 931-2933.

Please direct all questions to Dr. Suzanne Smith, Vice President for Academic Affairs, at suzanne.smith@gsw or (229) 928-1361.