Winter Weather

GSW is closely monitoring the potential winter weather system that may pass through Georgia early next week. Given the considerable amount of uncertainty with this weather system, we will continue to work closely with the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) and the National Weather Service as we consider any decisions related to modified University operations. Should there be any changes to our regular schedule, we will notify you by Monday afternoon via email, social media and GSW’s website.
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The Brotherhood

The Brotherhood is a living and learning community created to foster an intentional environment centered around supporting Black male scholars on GSW's campus beginning in their first year. The Brotherhood’s main mission is the cultivation of productive academic mindsets supported by programmatic efforts to enhance the Black male bonding experience. This fusion of community and education is part of GSW’s pursuit in increasing the graduation rate of Black men.

Brotherhood members are given a physical community space in Oaks 1 with a hall that is dedicated solely to these students. This space is not only designed to foster brotherhood and community for incoming students, but is also intended to engage Black males in The Brotherhood’s three main principles: scholarship, engagement and excellence.

Mandated residential hall study hours and research of influential Black male figures are part of the program’s curriculum, as are various activities, such as mandatory student organization fair attendance, service and networking opportunities, and group retreats. Guest speakers and local GSW Black male alumni are also part of the encouraging community built for the students.

Mentoring Programs

Mentoring programs will be offered in order to encourage networking, community outreach, and academic pursuits of individuals.

  • Making connections with local GSW Black male alumni
  • Guest speakers to include topics on mental health, relationships, STEM, fatherhood, and more
  • Service projects on campus and throughout the community

Barbershop Talks

Brotherhood members will attend weekly Barbershop talks that inform students on the topics of financial planning, networking, building relationships, Black culture, and more. Topics may be revisited for further discussion, or new topics that have emerged may be presented.


The Brotherhood

Oneil Lewis


Interested in Joining?

Email to join The Brotherhood.

Brotherhood members will be required to maintain academic excellence during their time at Georgia Southwestern. Initiatives and resources will include:
  • Mandated study hours within residential hall
  • Cohort University 1000 course
  • Dedicated First-Year Experience advisor
  • Common read for the group
Brotherhood members will have a variety of opportunities to engage and network with influential community members and local GSW Black alumni.
  • Invitation of speakers from AAMI, BSU, SAAB, SABU and NPHC groups
  • Mandate student organization fair attendance and join a minimum of two organizations
  • Various retreats and outings to foster networking
  • HBCU events
  • Tour of Americus 
Members will be challenged to discuss topics of concern and continue bonding with other brothers.
  • Barbershop Conversations weekly
  • Research based on room name 
  • Residents create programming for the campus in Spring 
  • Ambassadors will be selected to represent and recruit the next cohort