Go Greek and become part of a force larger than imagined. Georgia Southwestern's Greek experience allows students an integrated community that provides a support system while preparing members for their careers and futures. Our Greeks develop communication and leadership skills, succeed academically with organized study hours, and develop enduring friendships and memories that last long after graduation.
The Greek community at Georgia Southwestern is comprised of eleven (inter)nationally affiliated Greek letter organizations. Many students find that joining a fraternity or sorority provides them a home away from home and a foundation upon which to connect with others during their college experience.
Office of Greek Life
From leadership roles to assisting in planning and attending events, Greeks learn to be positive influences amongst their peers. These skills follow Greek students into their careers.
Required study sessions provide Greeks with a support system while establishing healthy study habits. Students often find they perform better in classes with these requirements.
Frequent events such as socials, attending athletic events, and philanthropic partnerships allow students to network amongst their peers and throughout the community.
Our mission is to provide fraternities and sororities at GSW with fulfilling experiences that promote learning, leadership, and community. Members often participate in a variety of educational programs that may vary depending on which chapter he/she joins. These activities may include:
Some organizations require more time than others. On average, students should expect to contribute from two to four hours per week for meetings and mandatory activities required by their organization. Students can also choose to participate in additional activities, such as holding an office, attending social events, helping out with various events and projects, etc.
Fraternity and sorority members also develop leadership skills through leadership retreats, national conventions, and other resources available on campus, in addition to the learning and self-discovery associated with holding a leadership position.
We understand that academics are priority at GSW, and, therefore, do not require Greeks to attend all events. However, each member is encouraged to actively participate in chapter and campus-wide leadership roles as possible.
Required dues provide the chapter a budget to assist in funding events and often cover dining expenses, event shirts, and more.
Each organization handles recruitment a little bit differently. The Office of Greek Life hosts interest meetings at the beginning of each semester to connect interested students with all of the Greek chapters. If there is a specific chapter that you want to be a part of, you can reach out to that chapter’s president. His or her contact information can be found on Canes Connect.
The Interfraternal Council consists of three organizations, Kappa Sigma, Sigma Chi, and Chi Phi Fraternities.
The Panhellenic Council consists of two tight-knit organizations: Kappa Delta and Zeta Tau Alpha.
The National Pan-Hellenic Council serves as the official coordinating agent of the eight constituent member Greek letter fraternities and sororities
The National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations is represented at GSW by the nation's first coed Latino fraternity, Alpha Psi Lambda.
I’ve been very involved with Kappa Sigma, serving as both Grand Treasurer and Grand Master on the Executive Committee. I’m extremely thankful for the opportunities that my fraternity has brought me including scholarships, leadership workshops, and travel opportunities. Most importantly, becoming part of a brotherhood that is, “not for a day or an hour or a college term only - but for life.