Winter Weather

GSW is closely monitoring the potential winter weather system that may pass through Georgia early next week. Given the considerable amount of uncertainty with this weather system, we will continue to work closely with the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) and the National Weather Service as we consider any decisions related to modified University operations. Should there be any changes to our regular schedule, we will notify you by Monday afternoon via email, social media and GSW’s website.
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Mr. and Miss GSW

Each year during GSW's annual Homecoming and Family Weekend, two students are crowned as Mr. and Miss GSW! These students will be the university's overall representatives and will be selected upon the following minimum qualifications: Academic Excellence, Campus Involvement, Leadership, Community Service, and Enthusiasm toward Georgia Southwestern, poise, and most importantly by a wide student election. 

Guidelines for Registering as a Candidate

All candidates will be interviewed and the top 10 candidates will be allowed to run for Mr. & Miss GSW. The interview committee will select 5 males and 5 females.

  • Candidates must be sponsored by a currently registered and recognized Student Organization, Resident Hall or Athletic Team. **Note -  Each organization may only sponsor one person for Mr./Miss GSW.
  • Candidates must have a minimum Grade Point Average of 2.5, completed 30 semester hours at GSW, and must currently be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours.
  • Candidates are expected to attend all activities during Homecoming week.
  • Each candidate must submit the Mr./Miss GSW application.
  • Candidates must be in good conduct standing with the University.
  • Candidates must participate in the Coronation practice and must be present on Coronation Day to be crowned.

Responsibilities of Mr. and Miss GSW

Mr. and Miss GSW are expected to attend all Preview Days, Hurricane Holidays Fest, and various functions throughout the school year upon request. These events may include, but are not limited to, Alumni Programs, Admissions Office Programs, and Orientation. Additionally, they are required to be present at the first game of all sporting events, Student Appreciation Day, Honors Convocation, and Welcome Week activities.

Mr. and Miss GSW will also attend Homecoming events the following year to crown the new Mr. and Miss GSW. At all events, they should wear their crowns and sashes proudly.

Furthermore, to maintain their titles, Mr. and Miss GSW must be enrolled in 12 or more credit hours and uphold a minimum GPA of 2.5 at GSW throughout the Fall and Spring semesters.


Mr. and Miss GSW Application


Student Government Association

Student Success Center

Trinity Daniels McNear, President
