Winter Weather Update - 1/22

Virtual learning and campus operations will extend through Thursday, January 23. Additionally, please note that Sumter County is currently under curfew, extending through 1pm on Thursday, January 23. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility during this time. Please monitor, social media, email, MyGSW and any other GSW channels of communication for further updates. 
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Student Organizations & Activities

Registered Student Organizations (RSO) and activities at Georgia Southwestern State University (GSW) provide a forum for the educational, intellectual, and social benefit of GSW students. By registering as an RSO, Student organizations are able to receive the support of the Division of Student Engagement and Success and access to certain resources available to RSOs. RSOs are bound by expectations and requirements set forth in applicable law, Board of Regents’ policies, and GSW policies and procedures.


RSO Overview and Classifications

Requirements for RSO

RSO Registration Process

RSO Policies


Department of Residential and Campus Life

Student Success Center
Third Floor
