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Student Health Insurance Program

ACA compliant health insurance is mandatory for all nursing students, international students with an “F” or “J” visa, and students in specific programs that require proof of health insurance. The University System of Georgia has a contract with United Healthcare as the vendor for student health insurance for the academic year 2024-25. Students who are enrolled in SHIP can use their plan at any medical facility which accepts United Healthcare. Additional Information can be found at the USG's SHIP webpage.

All waivers and enrollments must be completed by the end of open enrollment. After this date the waiver requests and enrollments will be closed and anyone who is required to have student health insurance and has not requested a waiver will be charged for and enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan through United Health Care Student Resources. This policy is strictly enforced. All communication regarding SHIP is sent to the student's RADAR email account.  Students are responsible for monitoring their RADAR email account for official communication regarding their student health insurance plan status.

Mandatory Plan Information

The following students are required to have student health insurance that meets the minimum standards set by the University System of Georgia. Students in these categories who are not covered by an ACA compliant policy held by a parent, spouse, employer, or if the policy does not meet the minimum standards, will be charged for a USG Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) policy.

  • All graduate students receiving a Full Tuition Waiver as part of their graduate assistantship award.
  • All undergraduate, graduate and ESL international students holding F or J visas.
  • All undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in programs that require proof of health insurance.
  • All graduate students receiving fellowships that fully fund their tuition
  • International Scholars.

Enrollment in Mandatory Plan

If you are required to have health insurance and wish to enroll in the United Health Care Student Resources Plan, go to and select the Opt-In link and provide the requested information. The health insurance premium for the Mandatory Plan will be paid through your student account.

Waivers for Students in Mandatory Groups

Students in the mandatory groups will have the option to waive the student insurance if they have a plan that meets University System of Georgia Requirements. The University System of Georgia requires students in the mandatory groups have ACA compliant coverage for the full length of the term in which they are enrolled in order for the waiver to be approved. They can apply for a waiver on-line by visiting the United Health Care website at and clicking on the waive coverage link and answer the questions and provide information regarding your current health insurance coverage. Please note that waivers are approved term by term so you must re-apply each term to confirm your information has not changed.

Voluntary Plan

All undergraduate students not eligible for the Mandatory Plan enrolled in six (6) or more credits per term and enrolled in a degree seeking program; or all Graduate students enrolled in a minimum of (3) graduate level credit hours and enrolled in a degree-seeking program are eligible to enroll in the Voluntary Plan. Eligible dependents of enrolled students may participate in the plan. To enroll in the Voluntary Plan, go to, under Medical-Domestic Student Plan (click on Explore Policy), and click Enroll Now in the bottom right hand corner of the page. Provide the requested information. The premium for Voluntary Students will be paid directly to United Health Care Student Resources.

Dental and Vision Plan Option

Students enrolled in the United Health Care Student Resources plan (Mandatory or Voluntary Plan) have the option to purchase a dental and/or vision plan that is separate from the health insurance plan. Students wishing to enroll in these plans must enroll and pay directly to United Health Care Student Resources. Information and enrollment forms for the dental and vision plan can be found at

2024-2025 USG SHIP Plan Benefits, Highlights and Plan Premiums

Premiums will be separated into Mandatory and Voluntary enrollment categories to align the premiums with the costs associated with each category.


Summer 2025 Open Enrollment/Waiver:
April 30, 2025 – June 10, 2025

Brochures for the domestic and international plans which describes coverage and prices can be found at

USG SHIP Benefits

USG SHIP Benefits Amount
Annual Individual Deductible: $500
Coinsurance Percentage: 80%
Out-of-Pocket Maximum: $6,350
Non-SHC Office Visit Copays: (PCP/Specialist) $20/$20
Prescription Drug Copays: $25/$50/$75
Lifetime Benefit Limit: Unlimited


Annual Premiums Mandatory Enrollment Voluntary Enrollment
Student only $2,936 $4,114
Spouse $3,229 $4,525
Child  $3,229 $4,525
All Children $6,457 $9,052
All Dependents $9,687 $13,577

Student Health Insurance Plan

(For specific programs that require proof of health insurance)*

United Healthcare Annual (8/1/24 - 7/31/25) Fall (8/1/24 - 12/31/25) Spring/Summer (1/1/25 - 7/31/25) Summer Only (6/1/25 - 7/31/25)
Student Only $2,936 $1,231 $1,705 $491
Intercollegiate Athletic Sports* $2,450 $1,027 $1,423 $409
Spouse Only $3,229 $1,354 $1,875 $540
One Child Only $3,229 $1,354 $1,875 $540
Two or more children $6,457 $2,708 $3,750 $1,078
Spouse + two or more children $9,687 $4,062 $5,625 $1,617

*In addition to the Student Only Plan

United HealthCare Student Resources

Customer Service: 866-403-8267 or
Available Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. CST

Voluntary Domestic Student Health Insurance Plan*

United Healthcare Annual (8/1/24 - 7/31/25) Fall (8/1/24 - 12/31/25) Spring/Summer (1/1/25 - 7/31/25) Summer Only (5/1/25 - 7/31/25)
Student $4,144 $1,724 $2,390 $1,037
Intercollegiate Athletic Sports* $2,450 $1,027 $1,423 $409
Spouse $4,525 $1,897 $2,628 $1,141
Each Child $4,525 $1,897 $2,628 $1,141
Two or more children $9,052 $3,794 $5,256 $2,282
Spouse + two or more children $13,577 $5,691 $7,884 $3,423

*In addition to the Student Only Plan