Emergency management, a division of GSW's Office of Public Safety, provides guidance and response to all-hazard emergency situations that occur on the GSW campus or have the potential to affect the campus. The goal is to increase the administrative capabilities of emergency responders, ensure that GSW is well prepared for emergencies and assist in educating the university community in emergency preparedness.
For an in-depth guide to our emergency procedures, please see our Emergency Procedures Quick Reference Guide.
The safety of our GSW Community is our number one priority. Following these tips can help remove the element of opportunity for a crime offender.
Office of Public Safety
Nicholas Smarr and Jody Smith Memorial Building
229-931-2245 phone
229-931-2711 fax
Sunday - Saturday: 24/7
See Something? Say Something.
Do you have information about a reported or in-progress crime? Send an anonymous tip! This information will be sent directly to the administration staff of the Office of Public Safety. If you have an immediate emergency, however, call 229-931-2245 or 911 to report the incident.
Anonymous Tip Form
The university provides the Emergency Action Plan as an all-hazard emergency management guidance. This EAP is built upon scalable, flexible, and adaptable coordinating systems to align key roles and responsibilities across the university when an emergency occurs, since it is not always obvious at the outset of a seemingly minor event whether the incident will remain minor and contained, or whether it might be the initial phase of a larger and rapidly growing threat. This plan describes both authorities and practices for managing and coordinating the response to incidents that range from the serious but purely isolated, to large-scale incidents and natural disasters.
This plan is founded on the principles of the National Incident Management System, which provides a national template that enables federal, state, and local governments and private sector nongovernmental organizations to work together effectively and efficiently.
Implementation of this plan will require cooperation, collaboration, and information sharing among all university departments, as well as with external agencies that may assist the university during major emergencies and disasters.
The primary location of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is in the President’s Conference Room on the 2nd floor of the Wheatley Administration building, with an alternate location in the 1st floor conference room of Canes Central and is activated whenever an emergency situation exceeds the capabilities of normal operations and immediate action is required to save and protect lives; coordinate communications; prevent damage to the environment, systems, and property; provide essential services; temporarily assign university staff to perform emergency work; and/or invoke emergency authorizations to procure and allocate resources.
Upon activation, EOC staff will report to the EOC. The President, Vice President, Chief of Public Safety and the Sumter County Director of Emergency Management may activate the EOC. The EOC is typically activated via telephone or text message from one of the individuals listed in the previous sentence. The EOC consolidates decision makers to ensure the flow of information and the development of response strategies. Other organizations involved in the response to an emergency may be called upon to provide a representative in the EOC.
The general roles and responsibilities of the EOC are:
The EOC will also coordinate with the City of Americus as appropriate.
The Emergency Management Committee is a university-wide committee consisting of representatives from across the institution. The committee's mission is to collaborate on emergency management strategies and initiatives designed to enhance preparedness and improve the university's ability to respond to, and recover from, all threats.
Scope of Authority
The purview of the committee is limited to matters that pertain to the Emergency Operation Plan's prevention, preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation strategies.
The committee is responsible for:
Reporting Structure
The committee reports through its Chairperson to the VPBF on all matters related to its charge. The VPBF represents, and serves as the liaison to the Executive Group (senior officers) of the university. The overall authority and responsibility for the emergency management plan rest with the Executive Group, which provides support and direction to the committee.
Committee Chair
Michael Lewis, Director of Public Safety
Jeff Hall, Vice President for Business and Finance
Representation on Committee
The following departments will be represented on the Emergency Management Committee:
Additional ad-hoc consultants (i.e. legal, consultants) can be engaged to assist when needed.
The representative from each unit should be a key administrator for the operational area represented, thereby facilitating timely decisions. Due to the number of operational areas represented, each area is limited to one representative, with one alternate to participate when the regular representative is not available.
Meeting Schedule
The Emergency Management Committee will hold regular quarterly meetings, and may meet more often if the need arises.
The GSW Critical Emergency Response Team (CERT), in consultation with the President, is responsible for coordinating, planning and preparing our institution to respond in the event of a major incident, on or off campus that substantially impacts daily campus operations including the safety of our campus community members. CERT members include representatives from various campus divisions and units.
The CERT members’ duties and responsibilities relate closely to their normal authority and functions. However, in the event of a crisis, coordination and organization of all operations at GSW shall be directed by the CERT, in consultation with the President. The CERT members implement the strategy and planning of the response, including GSW’s “Emergency Action Plan”. They communicate with appropriate personnel, issue instructions to particular units, and monitor progress in carrying out the instructions, until the crisis is resolved.
Other responsibilities of the CERT, in consultation with the President, include, but are not limited to:
CERT Members: