Winter Weather Update - 1/22

Virtual learning and campus operations will extend through Thursday, January 23. Additionally, please note that Sumter County is currently under curfew, extending through 1pm on Thursday, January 23. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility during this time. Please monitor, social media, email, MyGSW and any other GSW channels of communication for further updates. 
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Library Services


Next time you are searching for a book, first go to GSW’s online catalog, Gil-Find. If you don’t find what you need, you can search all university libraries using Gil-Find. You can borrow books from all the University System of Georgia Libraries.

Interlibrary Loan

GSW students, faculty or staff seeking books or articles not available at our library may request them from another library through interlibrary loan.  Requests can be made through Tipasa. Pickup and return of all ILL items will be at the temporary Marshall Student Center (MSC) Library Office, located across from Human Resources. 

NOTE: Textbooks for currently offered GSW classes are not available through Interlibrary Loan.

Students will have 14 days past the due date to return their ILL materials.  Any student who keeps a book for more than 14 days past the due date of the book will have a flat fee of $25.00 added to their record in the James Earl Carter Library's system.  Students will need to have this fee cleared from their records before obtaining transcripts or graduating from GSW.  For students who have asked for and received a renewal of their ILL materials, the overdue charge of $25.00 will apply if the materials are not returned within 14 days after the renewed due date.  (Students must ask for a renewal BEFORE the due date.)

*Columbus State University is happy to support Georgia Southwestern State University during its library renovation period!* CSU can create special borrower cards for students, faculty, or staff that are able to come to its campus. This will allow GSW patrons access to check out any of CSU's circulating physical materials. If GSW patrons can't come to Columbus, they can always put in a GIL Express request here at GSW or use the Tipasa (Interlibrary Loan) platform to obtain the items they need for success! In addition to this, GSW students/faculty/staff coming to the CSU campus can go to the library computer lab and a staff assistant at the UITS Help Desk can log them into a computer. This will allow them to access almost all of CSU's electronic resources with a few exceptions like SciFinder and Chronicle of Higher Education. In the rare instance that access to these specific resources is needed, CSU can help arrange temporary access if they are using these resources for a project or have an urgent need. Please keep in mind that GSW patrons will have to contact the GSW Library in advance of their visit at, so GSW can give ample notice to CSU to set up the card process.

Cooperative Lending Agreement

The James Earl Carter Library has a cooperative lending agreement with Lake Blackshear Regional Library and South Georgia Technical College Library.  The purpose of this agreement is to provide the citizens of Sumter, Crisp, Dooly, and Schley counties and the faculty, staff and students, including those enrolled in the institutions' distance learning programs, access to library information resources and services.  Valid users associated with any of these institutions can establish borrowing privileges with either of the other institutions.  Patrons must obtain a signed Cooperative Agreement Form from their Library and take the form to the institution(s) with whom they would like to establish borrowing privileges.  Personal identification will be required.  After establishing borrowing privileges, patrons will be subject to the policies of the lending library.

Photo Copy Machine

A coin-operated, self-service copy machine will be located at the Library’s Marshall Student Center (MSC) Location, across from Human Resources. Copies are $.10 per copy.  Change for the copy machine is available at the Circulation Desk.


Faculty may make specific materials available to their students by placing them on reserve at the MSC Library Location’s Circulation Desk.  Reserves are checked out for 2 hours and must not leave the MSC. Some reserves may be checked out overnight or for 3-day or 1- week time periods at the faculty's discretion. To place your materials on reserve, please fill out the Reserve Request form.


Current newspapers will be available at the MSC Library Location. Most newspaper backfiles are kept for two months (plus the current month) in the MSC location.

Government Documents

The James Earl Carter Library at Georgia Southwestern State University was designated a selective Federal Depository Library on September 13, 1966.  As such, the Library receives publications in electronic format from most federal government agencies.  The Library serves the information needs of the students, staff, and faculty of the University as well as the citizens of the second U.S. Congressional District of Georgia.  Government Documents are found through using GilFind from the Library homepage.


Library Instruction

The James Earl Carter Library encourages University faculty and community school teachers to bring classes to the Library’s temporary Lab in English 118 for library instruction and research guidance. Librarians will instruct and assist students, as groups and as individuals, in the use of library resources, GIL-Find and GALILEO, the Internet, and searching techniques and strategies.

The Library has an electronic classroom available for instruction:

  • Located on the first floor of the English Building (Room 118), and funded by student technology fees. There are 24 computers that are ADA compliant.  The computers have USB and are connected to the Internet. 
  • Microsoft Office products are installed on all of the computers as well as Internet Explorer, and appropriate browser plug-ins.  Please contact Administrative Computing about additional software availability and/or requirements.
  • The classroom also has a WhiteBoard and an LCD ceiling-mounted projector system.  In addition to the 30 computer stations, the room will seat an additional 10-15 people.

Requests for instruction of classes may be made by telephone at 229-931-2259.

Requests may also be made by e-mail to John Wilson or Kay Bell

Please include the following in your request:

  • Faculty Name
  • Telephone Number
  • Department or School
  • Course Name
  • Class Size
  • Date and Time requested
  • Information about class assignment or project
Special Needs

Users with special needs may ask for assistance at the Circulation Desk in the MSC Office or by calling 229-931-2266.


James E. Carter Library

800 GSW State University Dr.

229-931-2265 fax

Mon. - Thu. 9am - 9pm | Fri. 10am - 5pm | Sat. 1pm - 5pm | Sun. 5pm - 9pm

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