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Employee of the Month Program

The Employee of the Month award program was developed to encourage recognition of GSW faculty and staff who have significantly benefited the University and made contributions beyond the usual expectations of their employment.

Eligibility Criteria and Rules

The following criteria must be met in order to qualify for Employee of the Month:

  • Employees must be benefits eligible, working more than 20 hours a week, and have completed 6 months of employment before being eligible to receive the award.
  • Nominations will only be considered within the month that they are nominated.
  • Individuals can be nominated multiple times throughout the year, but the individual can only be awarded once in a twelve-month period.

Criteria for Nomination and Selection

It is recommended that nominations for Employee of the Month be based upon the following criteria. However, an employee does not necessarily have to meet all requirements to receive the award. To ensure the nominated employee is fully evaluated and acknowledge for outstanding service, attributes, and/or achievements, it is important that specific examples are cited in the nomination.

  • Does the employee consistently "go the extra mile" without being asked?
  • Is the employee creative within their position? Have they improved work methods, improved efficiency within the department, contributed new ideas, or enhanced their own responsibilities?
  • Is the employee cooperative, compassionate, and friendly to fellow employees on a regular basis?
  • Have they served on GSW committees or volunteered for special projects?
  • Have they received recognition or awards from GSW, been published, and/or assisted with prestigious research?
  • Is the employee extraordinarily loyal and dedicated to GSW?
  • Does the employee possess other qualities that would make them deserving of such an award?

Nomination & Selection Process

The Director of Human Resources will coordinate the program. Nominations will be made available every month via this webpage. Monthly nominations will be accepted by the fourth Thursday of each month. The program will run August through April of each academic year.


Each month, the Director of Human Resources will review and oversee a randomly selected drawing from the pool of submitted nominations for the recognition of three employees.

  • Employee of the Month winners will be featured on the website, approved social media outlets, and digital signage across campus. Winners will also receive a framed certificate signed by the President.
  • All Faculty / Staff winners will be candidates for the "Employee of the Year" awards at the end of April of the academic year unless the winner has resigned during the year.

Award Amounts

Award Name Award Amount
Employee of the Month $100
Employee of the Year $300

Make a Nomination


Department of Human Resources

John Brooks
Director of Human Resources


Additional Resources