Winter Weather Update - 1/22

Virtual learning and campus operations will extend through Thursday, January 23. Additionally, please note that Sumter County is currently under curfew, extending through 1pm on Thursday, January 23. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility during this time. Please monitor, social media, email, MyGSW and any other GSW channels of communication for further updates. 
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Banner Policy

A request for a Banner account and the desired access must be sent by the employee's supervisor to the Enterprise Services Director (Banner security administrator) to Access must be requested by form and process/job or by specific security class. It cannot be requested as "give access the same as ...". The account will not be created until the employee's personal information has been added to Banner by Human Resources and a Personnel Action notice is received by the IIT department.

Users will be required to sign a usage and confidentiality agreement. Once an account has been established, the user will be notified of login information and sent instructions for logging into Banner.

As new programs are created in Banner, individual access will be granted to a user's access class as needed. A request must be submitted by the user's supervisor to If the desired program contains information that is part of another office's "domain," the data custodian must grant permission for access. The data custodian must indicate whether access is query or modify. If not specified, the access will be granted as query only. Tabbed forms, specifically SPAIDEN, must indicate for which tabs access is granted. Those not specified will be set to "not displayed." Forms and processes and their data custodians are:

G% (General) Registrar/Functional Project Leader
R% (Financial Aid) Director of Financial Aid
SA% (Admission) Director of Admissions
SC% (Catalog) Registrar/Functional Project Leader
SE% (Support Services) Registrar/Functional Project Leader
SF% (Registration) Registrar/Functional Project Leader
SG% (General Student) Registrar/Functional Project Leader
SH% (Academic History) Registrar/Functional Project Leader
SI% (Faculty) Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs
SL% (Location Management) Director of Residence Life
SO% (Student System Management) Registrar/Functional Project Leader
SP% (General Person) Registrar/Functional Project Leader
SR% (Recruit) Director of Admissions
SS% (Schedule) Registrar/Functional Project Leader
ST% (Student Validation Tables) Registrar/Functional Project Leader
T% (Accounts Receivable) Comptroller/Director of Student Accounts
ZF% (Hope) Director of Financial Aid
ZG% (Accounts Receivable) Comptroller/Director of Student Accounts
ZH% (Student/Hope) Registrar/Director of Financial Aid
ZL% (Location Management) Assistant Director of Residence Life
ZO% (Admissions) Director of Admissions
ZP% (Student) Registrar/Functional Project Leader
ZS% (Student/Accounts Receivable) Registrar/Comptroller/Director of Student Accounts
ZT% (GaMods Validation Tables) Registrar/Functional Project Leader
ZU% (Accounts Receivable) Comptroller/Director of Student Accounts


Any forms or processes not covered by the above list must be approved by Registrar/Functional Project Leader.

Faculty and staff account access privileges are reviewed by the appropriate data custodians every three months. The review findings are presented to the GSW Banner DBA. The findings are then filed with the GSW ISO/CIO. Faculty and staff accounts are removed from Banner upon termination, resignation, and retirement. For more information regarding account lockout after non-usage, refer to the Banner Account Non-Usage Standard.


How-To Guides

  • Personal Menu  A personal menu includes the forms, jobs, menus, and QuickFlows that are most important in your daily work. You can access your personal menu from the main menu.
  • QuickFlow  A QuickFlow is a technique that lets you access a set of forms in a specific sequence.

Banner Steering Committee