Winter Weather Update - 1/22

Virtual learning and campus operations will extend through Thursday, January 23. Additionally, please note that Sumter County is currently under curfew, extending through 1pm on Thursday, January 23. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility during this time. Please monitor, social media, email, MyGSW and any other GSW channels of communication for further updates. 
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Office of Accounting Services

The Office of Accounting Services is responsible for the installation and administrative processes of all general accounting records and procedures. This includes the preparation and interpretation of all external financial reports, the preparation and interpretation of all internal financial reports concerning the university as a whole, and the preparation of the indirect cost rate proposal applicable to contracts, grants, and agreements and for assisting in any required rate negotiation.


Travel & Expense Reimbursement

Business Forms


Accounting Services

Wheatley Administration Building

229-931-2066 phone
229-931-2006 fax

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Accounting Staff

Additional Resources