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Check Your Status

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**Attention Undergraduate Applicants!**

If you submitted an undergraduate application between Monday, October 7 at 10:30 PM through Tuesday, October 8 at 1:00 PM, please note that your application may have been lost, due to a GAfutures outage. Please re-submit your application through GAfutures if your status states there is no application found.

**Attention Undergraduate Applicants!**

If you submitted an undergraduate application between Monday, October 7 at 10:30 PM through Tuesday, October 8 at 1:00 PM, please note that your application may have been lost, due to a GAfutures outage. Please re-submit your application through GAfutures if your status states there is no application found.

Check Your Admissions and Financial Aid Status

Please use the login provided to access the application portal. Below is an explanation of commonly needed items and how you may submit those items to complete your admissions and financial aid process.

Missing Admission Items? Learn How to Satisfy Missing Requirements.

To complete the admissions process, students must submit all transcripts applicable and all available testing scores.

  • High School Transcript - You may request an official high school transcript from your high school counseling office. Most Georgia high schools also allow students to request transcripts using Click here for instructions from GAfutures.
  • Final High School Transcript - Your final high school transcript should be sent after you graduate high school. Be sure to request it following graduation.
  • SAT, ACT, or Accuplacer Testing Scores  - Test-Optional through Summer 2024; You may request official copies of your SAT or ACT scores from the testing agency. (SAT Code: 5250 / ACT code: 0824) Scores should be sent directly to GSW from that agency. Students applying for University College or Dual Enrollment may take the Accuplacer.
  • College Transcripts - Please request official transcripts be sent from every college or technical college you have attended. Transcripts are normally sent electronically directly to GSW, after you make the request to your former institution. If you are currently enrolled, plan to send a final college transcript after your current grades/degree is posted so transferring credits may be updated.
  • GED Certificate & Test Scores – Please submit a copy of your GED test schools. They should be available from the institution where you completed your GED.
  • Declaration of Intent to HS – All Home School information is explained in the Home School admissions packet.
  • HS Portfolio of Academic Achievement – All Home School information is explained in the Home School admissions packet.

Additional Admission Requirements

Lawful Presence Verification

The Georgia Board of Regents requires that institutions confirm lawful presence for any student receiving in-state tuition. Please review the approved sources to verify Lawful Presence. Documents can be emailed to

GSW Immunization Form

All registered students must submit immunization records in order to be immunization compliant. Immunization forms may be sent to or uploaded securely using Med+Proctor.

Housing Application

The Fall housing application opens on November 1st. Admitted students are emailed instructions about applying for university housing within 3 days of acceptance. Commuters must submit a Residency Exemption Request to satisfy this requirement.

Storm Day Registration

Accepted Freshmen must register for and attend STORM Registration Day.

Acceptance Deposit

New undergraduate students are required to submit a $45 acceptance deposit to confirm their enrollment.

GAP Application (Nursing Students)

GSW Nursing’s Guaranteed Acceptance Program (GAP) assures eligible students a place in our nursing program, providing they meet the required benchmarks during the program. Please submit your GAP Application.

Transient Permission (if applicable)

Please request an official Letter of Transient Permission to be mailed to us from your current institution. Typically, these forms are requested from your current Registrar’s Office. Completed letters can be emailed to or faxed to 229-931-2983.

Financial Aid Documents

Terms and Conditions – Accept Terms and Conditions

If you have access to RAIN log on to the secure website and follow these steps: 1) click on the “Financial Aid” tab 2) click “Accept Awards” 3) select the current Aid Year from the dropdown menu and click “submit” 4) click on the “Terms and Conditions” tab 5) Read the Terms and Conditions. If you accept the terms and conditions, please click on the “Accept” button. Once you have accepted the Terms and Conditions, you will be able to click on the “Accept Award Offer” tab to accept any offered awards.

Verify My FAFSA Account Required

This statement means you have been selected for the Department of Education's Verification process, or you have outstanding eligibility requirements. You will need to verify certain information you reported on the FAFSA and/or submit additional documents. To determine what documents are to be submitted and to submit those forms online, please visit:

  • You will need to create a NEW username and password for the "verifymyfafsa" site.  Please remember to enter your first and last name, date of birth, and social security number as provided on your FAFSA (please note that if you enter data that does not match the FAFSA, it will delay the processing of your aid). 
  • Once you log into the system, you will be allowed to complete the additional forms and/or upload all required documents. 
  • You will not be awarded financial aid until all required documents are received and processed by the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Proof of Citizenship

The following documents can be submitted to satisfy citizenship issues:

  • A copy of the student’s birth certificate showing that he or she was born in the United States.
  • A copy of Form FS-240 (“Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States”), the FS-545 (“Certificate of Birth-Foreign Service”), the DS-1350 (“Certificate of Birth”), or the INS Form G-639 (the Freedom of Information Act Form). The first three forms are generated by the State Department and include an embossed seal with the words “United States of America” and “State Department.”
  • A U.S. passport, which may be current or expired. (In the case of nationals who are not citizens, the passport will be stamped “Noncitizen National.”)
  • A Certificate of Citizenship from the INS. This certificate must include at least the following information:
    • student’s name,
    • certificate number (found in the upper right hand corner), and
    • date the certificate was issued.
  • A Certificate of Naturalization from the INS. This certificate must contain at least:
    • student’s name,
    • certificate number (found in the upper right hand corner),
    • INS A-Number,
    • name of the court that granted the naturalization, and
    • date of naturalization

Draft Registration

Males between the ages of 18 and 25 are required to register with the selective service to be eligible for federal financial aid. The document can be found via This page will allow you to check registration status, register now, or print proof of registration.

Verification of Student Loan Bankruptcy Status

When federal loans have been included in a filed bankruptcy, the Department of Education requires proof that the loan was not defaulted before filing bankruptcy. This form is required along with supporting documents from the bankruptcy court listing creditors included in the bankruptcy.

Proof that Loan Default is Cleared

When a federal loan has been placed in default status, documentation is required proving that default has been satisfied and loan placed in good standing. This document will need to be provided by The Default Resolution Group with the Department of Education. For questions related to individual loan status and repayment of loans in default and owed to the Department of Education, please see contact info below:

Phone: 800-621-3115 TDD: 877-825-3323 Email: Website: Office hours: 8:00 am – 10:00 pm (ET) Monday through Friday and 8:00 am – 7:00 pm (ET) Saturday
Mail: U.S. Department of Education Default Resolution Group Greenville, TX 75403-5609
Borrower Payments: National Payment Center PO Box 105028 Atlanta, GA 30348-5028

Noncitizen Documentation

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) assigns to all legal immigrants an Alien registration number (ARN), which FSA uses to verify the immigration status of permanent residents and other eligible noncitizens. If the applicant indicates on the FAFSA, eligible noncitizen and provides an ARN, identifying information is sent to the DHS for primary (and, if necessary, automated secondary) confirmation. Eligible noncitizen status is required to be eligible to receive federal assistance.

Documentation of Orphan or Ward of Court Status

This is when a student cannot provide biological parent financial information on the FAFSA and answer yes to question of being an Orphan or Ward of Court. A legal document must be submitted from the Court of the state in which this legal action was approved.

Documentation of Emancipated Minor Status

This is when a student cannot provide biological parent financial information on the FAFSA and yes is answered to the question of being an Emancipated Minor. A legal document must be submitted from the Court of the state in which this legal action was approved.

Documentation of Legal Guardianship Status

This is when a student has been appointed legal guardianship to someone other than their biological parents and answered yes to the legal guardianship question on the FAFSA. A legal document must be submitted from the Court of the state in which this legal action was approved.

Unaccompanied Youth by School Documentation

This is when a student cannot provide biological parents financial information on the FAFSA but has not been granted legal guardianship and has been residing with family members and/or friends, then answered yes to Unaccompanied Youth by School on the FAFSA. This requires a document from the attending high school signed by an official stating the known guardianship situation of the student during the attending high school tenure.

Unaccompanied Youth by HUD Documentation

This is when a student has been living in a shelter or transitional living arrangements that can be verified by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and/or The Runaway and Homeless Youth Act (RHYA). A notarized document from the participating facility documenting the known situation to include explanation of situation, date of occurrence, and signature by an official is required to be submitted.

Documentation of Unaccompanied Youth or Homeless Status

An unaccompanied homeless youth is a youth who meets the McKinney-Vento education definition of homeless (lacking fixed, regular and adequate housing) and is not living in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. The legal definition of homeless includes youth who: (A) Lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence; and (B) Includes— (i) children and youths who

  • are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason;
  • are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations;
  • are living in emergency or transitional shelters;

(ii) children and youths who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings; (iii) children and youths who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings Students who would be homeless but for living in a dormitory are to be considered homeless, as are students fleeing an abusive parent and living in a homeless situation, even if their parents would provide a place to live. A youth is 21 years old or younger or still enrolled in high school.

Have Questions?

If there are additional requirements listed that you have questions about, please contact the Office of Recruitment and Admissions of the Office of Student Financial Aid for assistance.