Winter Weather Update - 1/22

Virtual learning and campus operations will extend through Thursday, January 23. Additionally, please note that Sumter County is currently under curfew, extending through 1pm on Thursday, January 23. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility during this time. Please monitor, social media, email, MyGSW and any other GSW channels of communication for further updates. 
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Office of

Experiential Learning

Maximize Your Learning Through Experience

GSW's Office of Experiential Learning is positioned to help students gain experiences that will help them think critically, solve problems, work appropriately with diverse populations, and figure out how to solve multifaceted problems faced in the real world. A growing amount of evidence suggests that experiential learning is a cornerstone to helping students develop those skills. These types of learning experiences have also been shown to lead to greater success both in the classroom and once they enter the workforce. Additionally, research suggests experiential learning can contribute to on-time graduation rates.

The Office of Experiential Learning works to build relationships across campus to support academic and co-curricular experiential learning opportunities, including, but not limited to study abroad, domestic study away, faculty-mentored research, service-learning, internships, leadership opportunities, and other creative endeavors that will add in the learning experience of students at GSW.


Service Learning

Study Abroad

Undergraduate Research


Georgia Southwestern offers a variety of opportunities for students to get the hands-on experience necessary to succeed in their careers.

Our Purpose

Specifically, the Office of Experiential Learning oversees:

  • The creation and delivery of programming to enhance experiential learning and its impact on student learning
  • The development of high impact practices, including experiential learning opportunities, in academic coursework
  • The implementation of internships across campus
  • International study abroad and domestic study away programming
  • Partnering with others on and off campus to bring programming centered around diversity and multi-cultural awareness

Prepare for Your Tomorrow

See how the Office of Experimental Learning can provide hands-on experience for your future career through studying abroad, having and internship, completing undergraduate research, and more!


Division of Academic Affairs

Wheatley Administration Building
Room 204


Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm

Social Info

The Mend Exhibition represents the collected efforts of students and teachers on four continents and more than a dozen schools within the United States. This collection demonstrates the use of art as a voice and shows student accomplishments during the pandemic. 
Mend Book